Enhancing Image Processing Capabilities based on Optimized Neural Networks

Image identification and classification


  • Kavita Mittal Jagannath Institute of Management Sciences, India




Deep Learning, CNN Optimization, Batch Normalization, Dropout, Regularization Techniques, Implementation Code.


Image processing is the ability of machines to interpret and understand visual data, has been significantly advanced by Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). This study investigates the enhancement of image procesing performance through the optimization of CNN architectures. By performing comparison between basic CNN models with optimized versions, incorporating advanced techniques such as deeper convolutional layers, batch normalization, dropout, and data augmentation, the aim of the study is to improve accuracy and robustness in image detection and classification tasks. The experiments are carried out on benchmark datasets and the results demonstrate that optimized CNNs substantially outperform their basic counterparts, achieving higher training and validation accuracies. These findings highlight the critical role of architectural refinements and regularization techniques in advancing visual intelligence capabilities. This research presents a novel approach that underscores the capability of optimized CNNs to drive future innovations in the area of visual intelligence, offering more accurate and reliable visual data interpretation for real life applications.


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How to Cite

Enhancing Image Processing Capabilities based on Optimized Neural Networks: Image identification and classification. (2025). International Journal of Computer and Information Technology(2279-0764), 13(4). https://doi.org/10.24203/xymdeg30

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