Deep Learning Classification of Building Types in Northern Cyprus
Keyword: Deep learning; AlexNet; Neural Network; Northern Cyprus; Apartment; Villa, Real Estate.Abstract
Among the areas where AI studies centered on developing models that provide real-time solutions for the real estate industry are real estate price forecasting, building age, and types and design of the building (villa, apartment, floor number). Nevertheless, within the ML sector, DL is an emerging region with an Interest increases every year. As a result, a growing number of DL research are in conferences and papers, models for real estate have begun to emerge. In this study, we present a deep learning method for classification of houses in Northern Cyprus using Convolutional neural network.
This work proposes the use of Convolutional neural networks in the classification of houses images. The classification will be based on the house age, house price, number of floors in the house, house type i.e. Villa and Apartment.
The first category is Villa versus Apartments class; based on the training dataset of 362 images the class result shows the overall accuracy of 96.40%. The second category is split into two classes according to age of the buildings, namely 0 to 5 years Apartments 6 to 10 years Apartments. This class is to classify the building based on their age and the result shows the accuracy of 87.42%. The third category is villa with roof versus Villa without roof apartments class which also shows the overall accuracy of 87.60%. The fourth category is Villa Price from 10,000 euro to 200,000 Versus Villa Price from 200,000 Euro to above and the result shows the accuracy of 81.84%. The last category consists of three classes namely 2 floor Apartment versus 3 floor Apartment, 2 floor Apartment versus 4 floor Apartment and 2 floor Apartment versus 5 floor Apartment which all shows the accuracy of 83.54%, 82.48% and 84.77% respectively.
From the experiments carried out in this thesis and the results obtained we conclude that the main aims and objectives of this thesis which is to used Deep learning in Classification and detection of houses in Northern Cyprus and to test the performance of AlexNet for houses classification was successful. This study will be very significant in creation of smart cities and digitization of real estate sector as the world embrace the used of the vast power of Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and machine vision.
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