A Vision of the Internet of Things: A Review of Critical Challenges
The Internet of Things, ChallengesAbstract
Today, Information Communication Technology has brought many benefits to have a better life. Meanwhile, the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT), which has transformed the traditional lifestyle into a modern lifestyle and is growing rapidly, is of great importance. This research deals with the critical challenges of IoT. Although not much time has passed since the advent of the concept of the IoT, today the Internet of Things has faced a great deal of complexity in the industry, which requires in-depth studies to realise its potential and challenges. This study introduces and examines IoT challenges including security and privacy, scalability, interoperability, mobility, protocol & standardisation, and energy consumption. In this study, the relationship between these challenges has been clearly defined. Finally, based on the research, some main challenges or sub-challenges considered for these challenges.
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