Review of Semantic Importance and Role of using Ontologies in Web Information Retrieval Techniques


  • Ashraf Ali Faculty of Computer Studies, Arab Open University, Bahrain



Web Information Retrieval, Ontology, Semantics, Multimedia Information Retrieval


The Web contains an enormous amount of information, which is managed to accumulate, researched, and regularly used by many users. The nature of the Web is multilingual and growing very fast with its diverse nature of data including unstructured or semi-structured data such as Websites, texts, journals, and files. Obtaining critical relevant data from such vast data with its diverse nature has been a monotonous and challenging task. Simple key phrase data gathering systems rely heavily on statistics, resulting in a word incompatibility problem related to a specific word's inescapable semantic and situation variants. As a result, there is an urgent need to arrange such colossal data systematically to find out the relevant information that can be quickly analyzed and fulfill the users' needs in the relevant context. Over the years ontologies are widely used in the semantic Web to contain unorganized information systematic and structured manner. Still, they have also significantly enhanced the efficiency of various information recovery approaches. Ontological information gathering systems recover files focused on the semantic relation of the search request and the searchable information. This paper examines contemporary ontology-based information extraction techniques for texts, interactive media, and multilingual data types. Moreover, the study tried to compare and classify the most significant developments utilized in the search and retrieval techniques and their major disadvantages and benefits.


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How to Cite

Review of Semantic Importance and Role of using Ontologies in Web Information Retrieval Techniques. (2022). International Journal of Computer and Information Technology(2279-0764), 11(1).

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