The Evolution of Information and Communication Technologies: Towards uses oriented collaborative practices
Towards uses oriented collaborative practices
Information and Communication Technologies; Collaborative practices; Decision-making practices; Knowledge Management systems; Web technologies; big data.Abstract
In all sectors of activity, knowledge is the most important strategic lever in the organizations’ management. The informational practices induced by Web technologies and data exploitation are accompanied by a paradigm that disrupts the process of sharing and communicating information in organization. Knowledge generated by human and social activities broadens the scope of knowledge management systems. New forms of technologies are changing system’s design approaches. It is on these evolving aspects of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) that we will highlight the different challenges faced by organizations. In reviewing the literature on ICTs, several researches work highlight the importance of digital revolutions in the development of IS in general, and in particular Knowledge Management (KM) systems. In order to understand the evolution of KM Systems, we carry out the postulate that different angles of view have a positive correlation with our research perimeter: We identify that collaborative practices and decision-making approach are positively related to Knowledge Management systems’ design. The conceptual model links our hypothesis with the concept of knowledge management systems. We develop a conceptual model according to a review of literature in information science. Research finding can be used for designing Knowledge Management systems. Several actors can benefit from the repercussions on a pragmatic level. System designers can identify modern developments to provide more pragmatic applications. Decision-makers can identify how to harness Knowledge Management systems and also identify good practices in terms of collaborative approaches and decision-making processes.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Sabrina Boulesnane, Benaissa Monia, Bouzidi Laïd

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