Reuse Alternatives based on the Sources of Software Assets
Software Reusability; Software Library; Build for Reuse; Build by Reuse; Reuse AlternativesAbstract
Abstract— Since the idea of software reuse appeared in 1968, software reuse has become a software engineering discipline. Software reuse is one of the main techniques used to enhance the productivity of software development, which it helps reducing the time, effort, and cost of developing software systems, and enhances the quality of software products. However, software reuse requires understanding, modifying, adapting and testing processes in order to be performed correctly and efficiently. This study aims to analyze and discuss the process of software reuse, identify its elements, sources and usages. The alternatives of acquiring and using software assets either normal or reusable assets are discussed. As a result of this study, four main methods are proposed in order to use the concept of reuse in the software development process. These methods are proposed based on the source of software assets regardless the types of software assets and their usages.
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