Efficient Dynamic Group Signature Scheme with Verifier Local Revocation and Time-Bound Keys using Lattices


  • Abhilash M H National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India
  • Amberker B B National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India




Lattice based cryptography, dynamic group signatures, verifier local revocation, time bound keys


Revocation is an important feature of group signature schemes. Verifier Local Revocation (VLR) is a popular revocation mechanism which involves only verifiers in the revocation process. In VLR, a revocation list is maintained to store the information about revoked users. The verification cost of VLR based schemes is
linearly proportional to the size of recvocation list. In many applications, the size of revocation list grows with time, which makes the verification process expensive. In this paper, we propose a lattice based dynamic group signature using VLR and time bound keys to reduce the size of revocation list to speed up the verification process. In the proposed scheme, an expiration date is fixed for signing key of each group member, and verifiers can find out (at constant
cost) if a signature is generated using an expired key. Hence revocation information of members who are revoked before signing key expiry date (premature revocation) are kept in revocation list, and other members are part of natural revocation. This leads to a significant saving on the revocation check by assuming natural revocation accounts for large fraction of the total revocation. This scheme also takes care of non-forgeability of signing key expiry date.


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How to Cite

Efficient Dynamic Group Signature Scheme with Verifier Local Revocation and Time-Bound Keys using Lattices. (2021). International Journal of Computer and Information Technology(2279-0764), 10(2). https://doi.org/10.24203/ijcit.v10i2.93

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