Optimized Q-Learning-Based Handover Decision Algorithm for Femtocells Using Load Balancing in LTE-A Networks


  • Babangida Abubakar Albaba Computer Science Department, Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Katsina, Nigeria
  • Aliyu Saidu Computer Science Department, Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Katsina, Nigeria
  • Muhammad Sani Iliyasu Computer Sciences Department, Faculty of Computing, National Open University of Nigeria, Nigeria
  • Abdulhamid Usman Nuruddeen Computer Science and Info. Tech. Department, College of Computing and Information Science, Al-Qalam University, Katsina, Nigeria
  • Kamal Sabo Wada Computer Sciences Department, Faculty of Computing, National Open University of Nigeria, Nigeria




LTE-A; Q-Learning; Load Balancing; Macrocell; Femtocell; CBR; VoIP.


The rapid growth of mobile devices and demand for mobile data has made it challenging to maintain capacity, high coverage, and data speed. With the emergence of small cell networks, the Long-Term Evolution (LTE) system helped to address these issues, Femtocell technology is being deployed to provide improved indoor coverage. However, a major challenge is the frequent handover and unequal distribution of cell loads, which lead to a reduction in call and data rates. Small cells have changing and unplanned load distribution over time, resulting in certain cells suffering high user density and strong resource competition, while others are having low user density and wasteful resource due to low consumption. This imbalance in cell load distribution greatly influences overall network performance and prevents Femtocells from realizing their full potential. Despite several efforts by researchers to enhance network communication, handover is still a challenging issue, many related works have been done in the field but still it needs improvement. This research proposes an Optimized Q-learning-based Handover Decision Algorithm for Femtocells using Load Balancing in LTE-A Networks to improve overall network performance. The algorithm learns to prioritize and select cells with low load during target cell selection and not only provides good Quality of Service (QoS) but also has a low load, resulting in better traffic distribution across the cells. Several simulations were performed using LTE-Sim. Results proved the outperformance of the proposed algorithm over the existing algorithm in terms of QoS with a packet loss ratio for CBR packet transmission of 512 bytes with a rate of 8 packets/second intervals, 88.53%, and VoIP packet transmission of 32 bytes per 20 ms/time interval, 89.24% respectively.


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How to Cite

Optimized Q-Learning-Based Handover Decision Algorithm for Femtocells Using Load Balancing in LTE-A Networks. (2024). International Journal of Computer and Information Technology(2279-0764), 13(3). https://doi.org/10.24203/c5q9y864

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