A Comparative Study of Gameplay of Different Sets of Players in an Engineering Mapping Game


  • Anirban Chakraborty Department of Electrical Engineering, University of North Texas, USA
  • Zachary Simpson Department of Electrical Engineering, University of North Texas, USA
  • Rani Deepika Balavendran Joseph Department of Electrical Engineering, University of North Texas, USA
  • Gayatri Mehta Department of Electrical Engineering, University of North Texas, USA




Educational games, Engineering games, Mapping, Games with a purpose, UNTANGLED III


Educators in the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) field are constantly employing different tools to make the process of education streamlined and fun. The digital gaming platform also called e-gaming platform has evolved as one of the key tools to make STEM education more accessible to students. UNTANGLED III is such an e-gaming platform that is based on STEM concepts and aims to bring in players from all educational backgrounds under a common platform. The data obtained from the game gave us insights on how males and females play the game. It has answered whether there are any significant differences in the gameplay strategies between males and females. The data pertaining to the types of puzzles that players, from both genders, chose and played, was also obtained. Males and females had no stark differences in the strategies that they used in solving the puzzles. They used similar kinds of moves and in fact solved similar kinds of puzzles of similar difficulty levels. During their gameplay sessions, both the males and the females visualized similar patterns in the puzzles as evident in their final solution. The performance of players from both the genders, based on the gameplay data was at par. Suggestions obtained from the current players and outreach events hold the key to increasing the overall participation in the game.


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How to Cite

A Comparative Study of Gameplay of Different Sets of Players in an Engineering Mapping Game. (2021). International Journal of Computer and Information Technology(2279-0764), 10(4). https://doi.org/10.24203/ijcit.v10i4.127

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