Web and Social Media Presence in the Hospitality Industry: A Greek Island Case


  • Sotirios Karetsos Informatics Laboratory, Department of Agricultural Economics and Development, Agricultural University of Athens
  • Maria Ntaliani Informatics Laboratory, Department of Agricultural Economics and Development, Agricultural University of Athens




Social Media, Website, Facebook, Hotels, Greece, Rhodes island, Agritourism


The new opportunities offered by emerging technologies for better tourist services have affected the hospitality sector. Specifically, the use of the Web, in general, and the social media influence travelers’ choices. Therefore, it is important for modern hotel businesses to be actively involved and present on the Web and social media. Moreover, COVID-19 outbreak has highlighted the importance for better choices that guarantee safety that must be made in advance. This study tries to investigate the use of the Web and social media by the hospitality sector in Greece using automated evaluation tools. The case study of the Rhodes island is selected as one of the most popular destinations in Greece for both internal and external tourists. Agritourism was also taken into account. Results show that the websites and Facebook are the most preferred tools for online presence, whereas there is low use of Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.


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How to Cite

Web and Social Media Presence in the Hospitality Industry: A Greek Island Case. (2021). International Journal of Computer and Information Technology(2279-0764), 10(3). https://doi.org/10.24203/ijcit.v10i3.89

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